Tuesday 8 August 2017

Interesting papers

The Mitochondrial Basis of Aging
Nuo Sun, Richard J. Youle and Toren Finkel
Molecular Cell 
  • An interesting review on the theory that mitochondrial decline contributes to ageing.
Mitochondrial Dysfunction Induces Senescence with a Distinct Secretory Phenotype
Christopher D. Wiley, Michael C. Velarde, Pacome Lecot, ..., Akos A. Gerencser, Eric Verdin, Judith Campisi
Cell Metabolism 
  •  How mitochondrial dysfunction can induce senescence in proliferative cell types. Such cells have lower NAD+/NADH ratios. Progeroid mtDNA mutator mice accumulate sensescent cells with a mitochondrially-associated senescent secretory phenotype (MiDAS SASP).
Transit and integration of extracellular mitochondria in human heart cells
Douglas B. Cowan, Rouan Yao, Jerusha K. Thedsanamoorthy, David Zurakowski, Pedro J. del Nido, James D. McCully
  • Transplanting isolated mitochondria from healthy tissue into ischaemic heart tissue can be internalised within minutes, fuse to the mitochondrial network, decrease cell death, increase energy production and improve contractile function

Mitochondrial DNA heteroplasmy is shared between human liver lobes
Manja  Wachsmuth, Alexander  Hübner, Roland  Schröder, ..., Mark Stoneking
  • Heteroplasmy distributions in multiple liver lobes from the same individual suggest sharing of heteroplasmy
Segregation of mitochondrial DNA mutations in the human placenta: implication for prenatal diagnosis of mtDNA disorders
Pauline Vachin, Elodie Adda-herzog, Gihad Chalouhi, ..., Julie Steffann
Journal Medical Genetics
  • Distribution of heteroplasmy for multiple samples per individual in the placenta
Mammalian Mitochondria and Aging: An Update
Timo E.S. Kauppila, Johanna H.K. Kauppila, Nils-Göran Larsson 
Cell Metabolism
  • Review on the mitochondrial theory of ageing 
Optogenetic control of mitochondrial metabolism and Ca2+ signaling by mitochondria-targeted opsins 
Tatiana Tkatch, Elisa Greotti, Gytis Baranauskas, ... and Israel Sekler
  • Reversible, tunable, optogenetic control of mitochondrial membrane potential using channelrhodopsins
Age-Associated Loss of OPA1 in Muscle Impacts Muscle Mass, Metabolic Homeostasis, Systemic Inflammation, and Epithelial Senescence
Caterina Tezze, Vanina Romanello, Maria Andrea Desbats, Gian Paolo Fadin, ...,  Luca Scorrano, Marco Sandri
Cell Metabolism
  •   Disturbing the mitochondrial network through OPA1 deletion in muscle may induce faster ageing across distal organs

Mesenchymal stem cells sense mitochondria released from damaged cells as danger signals to activate their rescue properties
 Meriem Mahrouf-Yorgov, Lionel Augeul, Claire Crola Da Silva, Maud Jourdan, ..., Anne-Marie Rodriguez
Cell Death & Differentiation
  •   Mesenchymal cells can 'sense danger' by taking up and degrading mitochondria from stressed cells

The mitochondrial respiratory chain is essential for haematopoietic stem cell function
Elena Ansó,  Samuel E. Weinberg,  Lauren P. Diebold,  Benjamin J. Thompson, ..., Navdeep S. Chandel
Nature Cell Biology
  • OXPHOS is required for differentiation of haematopoietic stem cells 
Heteroplasmic Shifts in Tumor Mitochondrial Genomes Reveal Tissue-specific Signals of Relaxed and Positive Selection
Grandhi S, Bosworth C, Maddox W, Sensiba C, Akhavanfard S, Ni Y, LaFramboise T
Human Molecular Genetics
  •  Signs of positive selection for mitochondrial DNA mutations in certain cancers

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